Monday, November 14, 2011

Major General Geoffrey Miller, Donald Rumsfeld, Ricardo Sanchez and Interrogation Techniques

Frustrated with the lack of intelligence flowing from Iraq and Abu Ghraib, Donald Rumsfeld dispatched Major General Geoffrey Miller to Iraq in August of 2003 to take the intelligence situation in hand and get results. Miller had instituted a program at Guantanamo Bay that included restraining prisoners in one position for 16 hours more, long enough that most would evacuate on themselves. Other methods included solitary confinement, stress positions, sensory disorientation, phobias (particularly dogs), and physical humiliation. All of these practices enjoyed the approval of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. Miller would also have the written authority of General Ricardo Sanchez, then Commander of US forces in Iraq. The memo sent out by General Sanchez approved a list interrogation techniques that were in violation of the Geneva Conventions; the official position of the administration was that the Geneva Conventions did in fact apply in Iraq.

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